
Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximise their own performance

Tim Gallwey

Executives operate in a world of constant stress and pressure that moves at speed. This environment places ever increasing demands on executive time and attention. In this setting where is the time to stop, reflect, compare, and assess your full potential, current progress, objectives, happiness and overall strategy both professional and personal?

Does any of this resonate with you?
  1. What is my professional potential
  2. Have I achieved all I can in this job
  3. How can I increase staff performance
  4. I want to be a better leader
  5. I would like more energy
  6. I want to inspire others
  7. Am I as fit as I want to be
  8. I want to feel more fulfilled in life, work and all my relationships
  9. How could my energy cycle match my working day
  10. I want to explore my creativity
  11. I have frequent headaches
  12. How important are family relationships
  13. How often do you feel relaxed
  14. How can I control my life versus it controlling me
  15. My friends seem happier than I feel
  16. How can I make my company more profitable
Take Control

At JBI we provide the time and structure for executives to review, discuss and compare professional success and desires along with personal pressures or worries. This allows for objectives to be updated, goals to be set and strategy mapped out.

We can then help process any blockages that sit between now and objectives achieved. Its difficult to achieve goals that are not clear and defined. Maximum performance flows from clear objectives and a focused mind.

All executives deserve this platform to work from. To go through this process in a confidential professional setting is something every executive deserves.