Business Pitstop

Career development help and advice



I am a senior VP leading the principal creative team at a top tier advertising agency. My current boss has been my boss for the past 3 years and whilst generally he is encouraging, supportive and driven, in the past 6 – 9 months he has stopped being helpful in the area of career development. I am feeling stifled and taken advantage of and getting more frustrated by the day. What can I do?




Dear Rebecca

This is a much more common scenario than you may have thought, I have worked with many clients in very similar circumstances. It raises the topic of boundaries and without disregarding the role of your boss here, what part we may have played in this situation. For example have you taken your boss aside and had a frank respectful conversation about the changes you have perceived? It may be that he has bigger issues on his plate that you are not aware of and is thus severely distracted. Asking the questions gives you fuller information to make informed decisions, eg how did he react to your discussion: is he someone you still want to work for: do the opportunities you seek exist at your current employment? As the saying goes, people don’t leave organisations, they leave incompetent bosses. With this information to hand its up to you to act as best suits your objectives or goals.

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